It's a bit of topic but only just and I figure if I'm talking about Bobber's why not include a bit of something for everyone. So with that said here we have Garage Company.

Garage company is based in LA California and was started by a Japanese motorcycle named Yoshinobu Kosaka in 1984. There's a whole story about how the company came to be on the Garage Company website but that's not what really interests me. What I like about Garage Company are their totally bad ass and uniquely styled Harley Davidson based Bobbers!

Here we have a "1983 Harley Davidson Bobber with a E1340cc Rebuilt motor, custom goose neck frame, wide glide front fork, custom gas tank, very unique hand made muffler, complete custom by Garage Company,Paint by SCOTT, pinstripe by SKRATCH very famous VON DUTCH style art work.This is piece of art and very good running motorcycle".

If you like this style of Harley Bobber they can build you one to your own specifications.

To see more of Garage Companies custom bike builds check out their website. Below is a GOOSE Framed Harley-Davidson 1962 motor and trans, custom paint, mid foot control and shifter. All hand made parts.

You will even find a few Bobber Triumphs in the garage company showcase including the example below.