This latest film focuses on the fabrication of the HarborTown Bobber motorcycle. Here's how they describe it...
"Two years in the making, The Harbortown Bobber follows the ground-up build of Scott DiLalla's '69 bobber as various back yard masters put their hands on it creating a unique custom motorcycle and telling their own personal stories along the way."
Appearances include: Irish Rich (Sinner Nomad), Earl Kane (Earl's Bikes), J-Bird (Japanese Jay), Jonathan Smith, Todd's Cycles, U.S. Customs, Dennis Goodson and the music of The Lords of Altamont.
The films bagged a heap of film awards already and the bike itself has also won itself a fair bit of attention. The films currently being screened at select events around the US and can be pre-ordered now on the Chopper Town website.
Take a look at the video below for a preview of what you can expect to see. It will be shipping out as of Nov 1st 2009. I've already got my copy on order.
I will post more about the Harbortown Bobber soon.